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GHS Classification Results

SummaryThe GHS classification results with Hazard statement codes and Precautionary statements and codes are available in Excel and HTML format at "Substances List".
Data typeChemical Substance
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SummaryGlycoforum? was established in 1997, with the aim of introducing rapidly developing carbohydrate research in an understandable way not only to specialists but also widely to those who are interested in the field through publication of review articles, research introductions, etc. by front-line glycoscience researchers, thereby contributing to development of the carbohydrate research field.
Data typeDocuments | Journals
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SummaryGlycoProtDB -a glycoprotein database- is a searchable database to provide information of N-glycoproteins which are identified experimentally from C. elegans N2 and mouse tissues (strain C52BL/6J, male). These data were obtained and supplied by the Lab of Biochemistry at Tokyo Metropolitan University (TMU) in Tokyo Japan, and the Research Center for Medical Glycoscience (RCMG) at the AIST in Tsukuba Japan. The studies of C.elegans and mouse tissues were supported in part by grants for the Integrated Proteomics System Project, Pioneer Research on Genome the Frontier, from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) of Japan, and for the Structural Glycomics Project from the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) of Japan, respectively.
Data typeProtein-motif
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SummaryGlycomics has lagged far behind proteomics because of analytical difficulties arising from the structural complexity of glycans, such as variations in branching, linkage and stereo-chemistry. Recently, tandem mass spectrometry has revealed that different glycan structures show their own fragment patterns in their collision-induced dissociation (CID) spectra. We are constructing a multistage tandem mass spectral database using a variety of structurally defined glycans, some of which were prepared using glycosyltransferases in vitro. This database offers a novel tool for glycomics research as it enables users to identify glycans very easily and quickly by spectral matching. (cited from the original site)
Data typeSugar chain
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SummaryH-ANGEL is a resource which provides information on human gene expression. H-ANGEL displays expression patterns of transcriptional products generated by the H-Invitational project in practical tissue categories based on tissue-specific expression data from several experimental platforms. H-ANGEL also displays information for the expression of different genes at their corresponding physical positions in the human genome. This information is linked to the corresponding transcript or locus annotation data stored in H-InvDB.
Data typeGene expression
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SummaryThis is a DB of Human Tissue-specific expression profile data and it was integrated and coordinated with H-InvDB. This system enables (1) fast search, sort, and view for gene cluster or isoform, (2) comparison of expression pattern for gene cluster or isoform, (3) display of detailed information for gene expression and related data.* Original site is now closed.
Data typeGene expression
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SummaryH-Invitational Database (H-InvDB) is an integrated database of human genes and transcripts. By extensive analyses of all human transcripts, we provide curated annotations of human genes and transcripts that include gene structures, alternative splicing isoforms, protein functions, etc.
Data typeRNA human full-length cDNA, mRNA
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Hand measurements DB

SummaryOne of AIST's human body size and shape database, this is a database that publishes gender-specific statistics of the size of the hand of 72 items measured for Japanese men and women 530 people in 2004-2011. Data can be downloaded for each measurement item.
Data typeHand data
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Healthy human micro-biome database

SummaryIn the human body, there are various microorganisms such as more than 1000 kinds and more than 100 trillion bacteria, and the population is called "microbiota". We will develop and build a healthy human microbiome database and microbiome research that will be the basis of that.
Data typeUnknown
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Hearing threshold for low-frequency tones

SummaryIn one of the sensory characteristics database of elderly persons and persons with disabilities, it is a database that presents hearing thresholds for low-frequency tones, for young and older adults separately in graphical form.
Data typeHearing data
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