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SummaryThe study of correlations between genome variation and phenotype diversity is a key theme in the current biosciencefield. This has lead to a large number of different studies generating huge amounts of data, which typically must be shared amongst many collaborators and researchers. To store and use such data efficiently, it is paramount that biomedical researchers describe the data in a compatible and similar way. The Japan Biological Informatics Consortium has developed a data model(PaGE-OM:Phenotype and Genotype-Object Model), which have validated PaGE-OM by applying it to various existing phenotype and genotype databases, and will demonstrating how further databases can be expressed in the PaGE-OM. (cited from original site)
Data typeDNA-polymol
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SummaryPoSSuM enables rapid exploration of similar binding sites among structures with different global folds as well as similar ones. Moreover, PoSSuM is useful for predicting the binding ligand for unbound structures. Basically, the users can search similar binding pockets using two search modes(cited from original site).
Data typeProtein-structure
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PPI view

SummaryThe PPI view displays H-InvDB human protein-protein interaction (PPI)information. PPI data were collected from five major public PPI databases (BIND, DIP, MINT, HPRD, IntAct) and integrated them as a non-redundant PPI dataset. As the result, we got 32,198 human PPIs comprised of 9,268 proteins. (at H-InvDB version 5.0) The PPI view displays proteins which interact with the usersCHR(39) query proteins (or gene products), and provides links to H-InvDB locus view and cDNA view, which guide you to the gene locations and the detailed gene functional annotations of these interacting proteins, respectively.PPI view: http://www.h-invitational.jp/hinv/ppi/ PPI view sample:http://h-invitational.jp/hinv/ppi/ppi_view.cgi?hip=HIP000084307
Data typeProtein-Proteome
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Preferred kerning and leading of text and sentences

SummaryIn one of the sensory characteristics database of elderly persons and persons with disabilities, it is the database that it can estimate appropriate kerning and leading values for designing the form of text and sentences.The preferred kerning and leading values can be estimated by setting design parameters of the text (font and size of letters) and the conditions of use (user’s age and viewing distance).
Data typeVisual data
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Preferred sound level for listening to spoken announcements

SummaryIn one of the sensory characteristics database of elderly persons and persons with disabilities, this database presents the sound pressure level at which spoken announcements sound comfortably loud in noisy conditions, for young and older adults separately in graphical form.
Data typeHearing data
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Preferred sound level for watching TV programs

SummaryIn one of the sensory characteristics database of elderly persons and persons with disabilities, this database presents, in graphical form, the average sound pressure levels of various TV programs at which young and older adults hear them as comfortably loud.
Data typeHearing data
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Properties Data base

SummaryThis database contains physical property data (standard enthalpy of formation, standard enthalpy of formation, standard entropy, specific heat capacity, transition enthalpy, transition entropy) for heat-related materials and basic materials.
Data typeHeat-related materials | Basic materials
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PRTR map

SummaryThe PRTR map consists of an emission map and a concentration map, and the emission map shows the emissions of PRTR notification data from 2002 to 2018 (ascertained from 2001 to 2017) announced by the government. , It is color-coded by prefecture, city (local government), or town name according to the scale. The concentration map is a 5-fold mesh (5km x 5km) (scale 1) of the annual average daily concentration of chemical substances in Japan from 2002 to 2018 (ascertained from 2001 to 2017). For 200,000 or more, each mesh of the tertiary mesh (1km x 1km *) is color-coded according to the density. The estimated concentration in the atmosphere is the amount of PRTR notification data emitted from FY2002 to FY2018 (ascertained from FY2001 to FY2017) announced by the national government and the amount of data not reported by PRTR (businesses below the skirt). AIST developed by the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology based on annual meteorological data, etc., in addition to emission data for each mesh, which is the sum of emissions from businesses, mobile bodies, and households that are not subject to PRTR. -Calculated with ADMER. (AIST-ADMER Ver, 2.6 is used for estimation up to 2013, and AIST-ADMER Ver, 3.0 is used from 2014) * The 1km x 1km mesh is an estimated value based on PRTR data from 2010 onwards.Emissions (business establishments, 3rd mesh, 5x mesh), estimated atmospheric concentration (3rd mesh, 5x mesh), and input data for AIST-ADMER calculation, which are published on the PRTR map, can be downloaded from here. is.
Data typeEmissions dat | Concentration data
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Rat Brain Sections

SummaryThis database provides whole section images of rat brain recorded in ultra high resolution. You can see each neuron if you zoom in the images. The database was created by AIST, Eizou Bijutsuin, and PFU Limited.(cited from the original site)
Data typeMorphology image
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Reference database for gene Expression Analysis

SummaryRefExA is a exhaustive gene expression database for human normal tissue, normal cell and cancer cell.
Data typeDisease-cancer gene expression
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