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SummaryTOT-DB (The Theileria orientalis Genome Annotation Database) ia a database of the genome information of parasitic protists Theileria orientalis.Genes annotated by an integration of expression data and gene prediction by several software are displayed on the G-integra genome browser.TOT-DB also offers the BLAST homolgy search service and data downloads of the genome sequences and gene annotation of T. orientalis.
Data typeComparative genomics
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SummaryThis system evaluate repeated Dose Toxicity by Bayesian Net, which access two data (toxicity knowledge database and metabolism knowledge database).
Data typeChemical compound toxicity knowledge
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SummarytoxBridge ? a statistical interpretation of building relationship between in vivo and in vitro for the purpose of constructing a panel as a marker group for predicting hepatotoxicity. Based on the rat in vivo and human in vitro gene expression data, the significance of gene signatures and pathways were analyzed for about 170 medical compounds at four dose levels and time points. The characteristics of toxBridge are focused on in vivo-in vitro and in vitro human-rat bridging, and various correlation indices between the bridges in the expression profile are stored in the database. It has the function of searching for compounds and searching for genes and pathways. This function allows the selection of which compounds are significant as bridging using correlation indices and creates a molecular panel in bridging by selecting a compound having a superior correlation index.
Data typeChemical compound | Gene | Pathway
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SummaryThe metabolic pathways were compared, such as glycolysis, the TCA cycle, amino acid biosynthesis, and nucleic acid biosynthesis among 7 archaea. It is possible to highlight the differences between different archaea. (cited from the original site)
Data typeMetabolite repression
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3-D scanning methodologies for internationally compatible anthropometric databases

SummaryOne of AIST's human body size and shape databases, it is a database that releases data for 97 persons obtained as a result of human body size and shape measurement carried out at Digital Human Research Center, AIST. In order to investigate the use promotion of 3D human body shape data, the data is released for free.
Data typeMorphological characteristic data
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