

DescriptionSEVENS database includes G-protein coupled receptors (GPCR) genes with seven transmembrane helices, that are identified with high accuracy from complete genomes of 32 eukaryotes, by a pipeline integrating such software as a gene finder, a sequence alignment tool, a motif and domain assignment tool, and a TMH predictor.
Main Institutes of managementComputational Biology Research Center (CBRC), National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
Country of the InstituteJapan
URL of the site
Input exampleSelect species and input the keyword in the text box, and then push the "submit" button. You can select Chromosome Number, Exon Number, Protein Length, Pseudogene and Family.
KeywordGPCR (G-protein coupled receptor) | Odorant/olfactory and gustatory receptors | Chemokines and chemotactic factors receptors | taste receptors | metabotropic glutamate and calcium receptors | Insect chemosensory receptors | Opsins | Nematode chemoreceptors | Serpentine receptor-like proteins | Sre proteins | Plant MLO receptors | slime mold receptors | Archaeal/bacterial/fungal opsin family | fungal receptors | BLAST | SOSUI | ALN | HMMER
Amount of the all data for download(Mbyte) | Method to obtain the all data.7,000|Not available.
External resources (databases) in building the product.NCBI | KEGG | SWISS-Prot | Pfam
Data typePtotein-sequence amino acid sequence
Biological species in the main concernHomo sapiens | Pan troglodytes | Gorilla gorilla | Anolis carolinensis [Taxonomy_id: 28377, green anole] | Anopheles gambiae [Taxonomy_id: 7165, African malaria mosquito] | Arabidopsis thaliana [Taxonomy_id: 3702, thale cress] | Bos taurus [Taxonomy_id: 9913, cattle] | Caenorhabditis brenneri [Taxonomy_id: 135651] | Caenorhabditis briggsae [Taxonomy_id: 6238] | Caenorhabditis elegans [Taxonomy_id: 6239] | Caenorhabditis remanei [Taxonomy_id: 31234] | Callithrix jacchus [Taxonomy_id: 9483, white-tufted-ear marmoset] | Canis familiaris [Taxonomy_id: 9615, dog] | Cavia porcellus [Taxonomy_id: 10141, domestic guinea pig] | Ciona intestinalis [Taxonomy_id: 7719, vase tunicate] | Danio rerio [Taxonomy_id: 7955, zebrafish] | Dasypus novemcinctus [Taxonomy_id: 9361, nine-banded armadillo] | Dictyostelium discoideum [Taxonomy_id: 44689] | Drosophila melanogaster [Taxonomy_id: 7227, fruit fly] | Drosophila simulans [Taxonomy_id: 7240] | Drosophila yakuba [Taxonomy_id: 7245] | Echinops telfairi [Taxonomy_id: 9371, small Madagascar hedgehog] | Erinaceus europaeus [Taxonomy_id: 9365, western European hedgehog] | Felis catus [Taxonomy_id: 9685, domestic cat] | Gallus gallus [Taxonomy_id: 9031, chicken] | Gasterosteus aculeatus [Taxonomy_id: 69293, three-spined stickleback] | Gorilla gorilla [Taxonomy_id: 9593, western gorilla] | Homo sapiens [Taxonomy_id: 9606, human] | Loxodonta africana [Taxonomy_id: 9785, African savanna elephant] | Macaca mulatta [Taxonomy_id: 9544, Rhesus monkey] | Macropus eugenii [Taxonomy_id: 9315, tammar wallaby] | Monodelphis domestica [Taxonomy_id: 13616, gray short-tailed opossum] | Mus musculus [Taxonomy_id: 10090, house mouse] | Myotis lucifugus [Taxonomy_id: 59463, little brown bat] | Ochotona princeps [Taxonomy_id: 9978, American pika] | Ornithorhynchus anatinus [Taxonomy_id: 9258, platypus] | Oryctolagus cuniculus [Taxonomy_id: 9986, rabbit] | Oryza sativa [Taxonomy_id: 4530, rice] | Oryzias latipes [Taxonomy_id: 8090, Japanese medaka] | Otolemur garnettii [Taxonomy_id: 30611, small-eared galago] | Pan troglodytes [Taxonomy_id: 9598, chimpanzee] | Papio hamadryas [Taxonomy_id: 9557, hamadryas baboon] | Petromyzon marinus [Taxonomy_id: 7757, sea lamprey] | Pongo abelii [Taxonomy_id: 9601, Sumatran orangutan] | Procavia capensis [Taxonomy_id: 9813, Cape rock hyrax] | Pteropus vampyrus [Taxonomy_id: 132908, large flying fox] | Rattus norvegicus [Taxonomy_id: 10116, Norway rat] | Saccharomyces cerevisiae [Taxonomy_id: 4932, baker's yeast] | Sorex araneus [Taxonomy_id: 42254, European shrew] | Spermophilus tridecemlineatus [Taxonomy_id: 43179, thirteen-lined ground squirrel] | Taeniopygia guttata [Taxonomy_id: 59729, zebra finch] | Takifugu rubripes [Taxonomy_id: 31033, torafugu] | Tarsius syrichta [Taxonomy_id: 9478, Philippine tarsier] | Tetraodon nigroviridis [Taxonomy_id: 99883, spotted green pufferfish] | Tupaia belangeri [Taxonomy_id: 37347, northern tree shrew] | Tursiops truncatus [Taxonomy_id: 9739, bottlenosed dolphin] | Vicugna pacos [Taxonomy_id: 30538, alpaca] | Xenopus tropicalis [Taxonomy_id: 8364, western clawed frog]
Conditions of useAttribution&Noncommercial&Share AlikeUser account is not required.
Frequency of updates (in last two years)2
Last date of updates (date of confirmation)2014/12/05 (2019/07/03)
Main IDs used in the productsCBRC-species-2digit numbers-4digit numbers
How to make a link to get access to each IDs.[species]&chr=[chromosome_number]&l=1&r=1053750&twin=0&id=[ID]
external databases to which this database/tool have linksExPASy Proteomics Server(, NCBI(, Pfam(
Published papers (PubMed IDs)pmid:16126348 | pmid:19718507
Operational StatusArchived