Name | MiFuP Safety |
Aliases | none |
Description | It is a database that searches for genes related to harmfulness from the genome information of microorganisms and estimates harmfulness of microorganisms. When a nucleotide sequence of a microbial genome or amino acid sequence is inputted, You can estimate that the target microorganism has a harmful function, detecting a gene region concerning toxicity (toxin production, drug resistance etc.) in the sequence. |
Type | DB |
Main Institutes of management | Biological Resource Center, National Institute of Technology and Evaluation (NITE) |
Country of the Institute | Japan |
URL of the site | |
Interface | GUI |
Input example | You can search by either Genome, CDS nucleotide or CDS protein sequences. |
Keyword | Bacteria |
Amount of the all data for download(Mbyte) | Method to obtain the all data. | 0.0|none |
External resources (databases) in building the product. | PubMed | UniProt | BioCyc | BRENDA | CAZy | HAMAP | HOGENOM | InterPro | KEGG | MEROPS | Pfam | PIRSF | PRINTS | ProDom | PROSITE | SMART | TCDB | TIGRFAMs | UniPathway |
Data type | DNA-sequence| Amino acid sequence| Annotation |
Biological species in the main concern | Bacteria |
Conditions of use | none |
Frequency of updates (in last two years) | any time |
Last date of updates (date of confirmation) | 2021/10/26 (2021/11/10) |
Main IDs used in the products | NFUNC_ID | NRULE_ID |
How to make a link to get access to each IDs. |[NFUNC_ID] |[NRULE_ID] |
external databases to which this database/tool have links | none |
Published papers (PubMed IDs) | none |
Operational Status | available |