
Microorganism database system

NameMicroorganism database system
DescriptionThis database allows users to search microorganisms and to see the various biological information. This database is available only in Japanese.
Main Institutes of managementInstitute for Biological Resources and Functions (BRF), National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
Country of the InstituteJapan
URL of the site -
Input exampleUnknown
Amount of the all data for download(Mbyte) | Method to obtain the all data.-|None
External resources (databases) in building the product.DDBJ | EMBL | GenBank
Data typeJournal old species name (if any), philogenetic position, type strain, isolation origin, chemical components as chemical taxonomic index, substrate availability, energy gain type, accession number of 16S rDNA to DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank and so on.
Biological species in the main concernBacterium
Conditions of useUnknown
Frequency of updates (in last two years)0
Last date of updates (date of confirmation)0000/00/00 (2019/07/02)
Main IDs used in the productsNone
How to make a link to get access to each IDs.None
external databases to which this database/tool have linksNone
Published papers (PubMed IDs)None
Operational StatusClosed